Monday, January 16, 2012


I think someone should sue me for misleading my readers into thinking this was one of the more serious blogs of 2011. Or offer me some money and a deadline, and I'll probably sit up much straighter. That seems to be a great motivator nowadays!!! How could I take something so beautiful, encourage my readers and followers and then disappear for 10 days short of a whole year? That has to be punishable by some sort of confinement!! Perhaps I'd get locked up on a far away island with Tyson Beckford or Wentworth Miller.... or maybe Lance Goss! Ah, yes. I plead very guilty! lool!

Oh well, before I continue, I have two things to say:
1) Welcome to this beautiful year. It's started on a shaky and very disappointing note, but nothing will quell the fire in your heart. We will achieve greater heights in 2012, and not just because custom demands we speak positively at the beginning of each year, no matter how we turn out in May... We all will, because we are committed to working hard and sowing during this season of our lives. We will reap now and much more in our evening years.

2) I must show you guys how sincere my apology is. I won't be hasty in promising my undying commitment to this blog, rather, I will prove myself and hope to woo you back to my bosom.

Diva On Life is life, living and (I dare say) love from my perspective. Yes, I am a diva. Unlike those with lots of demands, drama and no depth, I am drawn by the spirit of excellence. I am skilled, I am an authority in my field. Yes, I see myself there, so I might as well act it. I am an authority on a lot of things, so I will use this medium to do a lot of correcting of wrong impressions, even as I am open to change and evolution.

So, this is a 2012 welcome to my blog. I will not be compelled to comment on hot topics unless I am inspired to, so don't expect cliches. I will write per inspiration and draw from the skies when I seem to lack it. lol! but you can count on me to be open, frank and honest with you. This is my heart's joy

Welcome to DIVA's perspective ON LIFE, 2012


  1. welcome back dearie. Good to have you back. And yes i love your confidence.

  2. Hi Omoye, pls keep up the great work. Really like when you say we will achieve greater height this years, I say a big amen to that. And please, I have a favor to ask of you.

    Help play my song on air ~~

    It's a funny & motivational dance mix. It's my hustle for the year start and my way to that greater height. Thanks.
