Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hey guys,

My next post is from my being too cerebral for my own good, bear with me.

I’ve always been a thinker and sometimes, I wonder if that hasn’t been the source of some of my challenges. I never did what others were doing and when I tried, it hasn’t always paid off.

I’ve turned out to be very idealistic, not settling for anything less than my convictions.

Tonight, I just want to vent, unburden. There’s so much I am involved with at the moment, I should not carry any junk in my trunk; I want to travel light.

I apologise in advance for the way my ranting may be received (especially as this is one in a series of “Last Sorrys From ‘Moye”) but I prefer to get things off my chest that have no influence on my future endeavours. Do not sweat the small stuff, drop the heavy stuff and carry only the relevant.


Thespian Muse.

1 comment:

  1. The post you referred to, and this one, could easily have been written by myself - from a male perspective though.
    There is a lot of pain involved in being original. You see, the majority of the people you see out there take their thoughts and actions from other people: "opinion leaders." The cross to be borne by those who can think for themselves is antagonism and a serious misunderstanding of one's motives.
    Rest assured, you are not alone. Like Sting said in the Police song "Message in Bottle" - seems I'm not alone in being alone.
    Keep it real.
